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Right Touch Editing Wins Award for Writing!

Last night at the NEDMA Awards, Erin Brenner accepted the Bronze Award in the Collateral category (brochures, catalogs, annual reports) for her work on SAP’s Revealed: The Insider’s Guide to SAP’s Employment Brand. Brenner wrote the book that SAP uses to market its company to potential employees.

Revealed: The Insider's Guide to SAP's Employment Brand

Brenner and the Right Touch Editing team have been editing for SAP’s Center for Business Insight since its inception in 2012.

Since then, Right Touch Editing has helped other divisions of SAP and in 2016 was asked to write several promotional pieces for SAP’s Employment Brand.

“I enjoy working with SAP,” says Brenner. “This is a company that cares about quality. They use their software internally before sharing it with customers. In the early days, SAP employees work in their customers’ offices, using the software they were developing. SAP puts the same effort into its marketing, putting together teams of talented employees and contractors to create materials that speak to the target audience.”

Revealed was Brenner’s first book with SAP. She’s now working on her fourth.

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