Punctuation isn’t just minutia—it shapes tone and clarity. Let’s analyze the suspensive hyphen, which is supported by major style guides and helps simplify compounds.
Articles Categorized Punctuation Points
Commas, semicolons, periods, dashes—we love all the punctuation marks. You can learn to use them effectively with these articles.
Hyphenation Headaches: Navigating -ly Adverb Rules
Should “cost effectively” be hyphenated? Learn the rules for compound modifiers, -ly adverbs, and hyphenation from The Chicago Manual of Style and beyond.
AP Style and the Serial Comma
It’s well-known that the AP Stylebook rules omit the serial comma, however, there are some lesser-known but important exceptions that help avoid confusion.
Clarifying the Comma: Independent Clauses & Compound Predicates
The rules of using the comma are numerous, complicated, and come with many exceptions. They also remind us of why editors are so important!
When to Use a Comma Before “But”
A reader once asked me about using a comma before the word “but.” Comma usage is a frequent cause for debate amongst editors, so let’s dive in!
Such Examples as These
Lots can be learned from the experiences of others. An editing forum sparked this deep dive into using a comma for restrictive and nonrestrictive phrases.
Hyphenating X-Year-Olds Part 2: What We Actually Do
Would you write 56-years-old, or 56 years old? There’s more than one answer, so let’s investigate why so many writers disagree.
Hyphenating X-Year Olds Part 1: What the Experts Say
Would you write 56-years-old, or 56 years old? Hyphenation can be confusing for editors, especially when certain style guides disagree.
Dash It All
Hyphens and dashes are common pieces of punctuation that can really improve your writing—if you know how to use them.
Advanced Apostrophe Rules: Possession, Omission, and Plurals
Become a star punctuation user! Learn advanced apostrophe rules about showing possession, omission, and plurality.