Ah, the golden promises of productivity! You’ll do more in less time or with less effort. But are we really being productive? Erin shares some surprising facts about productivity.
Articles Tagged business
Using GenAI as Your Writing Assistant: The Business Writer’s Guide
AI isn’t something writers should be afraid of. Rather, it’s an invaluable tool that can help you work faster, especially in the research and outline stages.
Help! I’m Stuck on Citations
Citations can be time-consuming for editors, often requiring cleanup and research. Streamline the process by choosing a style, using citation tools, or hiring help.
Hyphenation Headaches: Navigating -ly Adverb Rules
Should “cost effectively” be hyphenated? Learn the rules for compound modifiers, -ly adverbs, and hyphenation from The Chicago Manual of Style and beyond.
A Dozen Ways to Advance Your Copyediting Career, Part 2
Explore more ways to expand your copyediting career into the publishing field, from positions in graphic design to managing important projects.
A Dozen Ways to Advance Your Copyediting Career, Part 1
Copyediting skills open doors to diverse careers, from developmental editing to indexing, social media, and more. Explore several resources that will help you take that next step!
The Editor’s Approach to Marketing Copy
Mastering marketing copy editing is essential for editors seeking to grow their clientele. Learn to navigate jargon and adapt style with our helpful resources!
One House, A Third Writing Process: A Video Essayist’s Approach
A third member of the Brenner household, Sean, describes how his unique writing process merges his parents’ styles and is shaped by video storytelling demands.
One House, Two Writing Processes, Part 2: From Outline to Final Draft
This two-part series explores contrasting writing processes: a structured approach versus a spontaneous style. Discover tips for effective outlining, drafting, and revising!
One House, Two Writing Processes, Part 1: Getting Started
Discover how two writers—an editor and a journalist—navigate their unique creative processes, starting with idea generation, brainstorming, and research!