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Articles Tagged freelancing

Breaking into Copyediting, Part 4: When You’re “Mostly” Qualified

Copyediting is a great second career for word lovers, but getting started can be a mystery. I started this series by exploring how to get training and how to continue that training. Last week, I shared several tips for applying to editing jobs, encouraging readers to apply only to jobs they’re qualified for. Not being

Breaking into Copyediting, Part 3: Getting Your First Editing Job

In this series, I’ve been digging into how to get started in copyediting. In part 1, I outlined the knowledge and skills you need to get started. In part 2, I discussed how you’ll need to continue your education to move into the journeyman stage. But how do you get that first editing job? Do

Breaking into Copyediting, Part 2: Continuing Your Training

In part 1 I outlined the basic knowledge and skills you need to become a copyeditor. The list is long, but even the longest training programs (university certificate programs with several courses) can be finished within a year. And once you’ve done the training, you’re ready to go, right? Well … Editing is a craft.

Breaking into Copyediting, Part 1: Training Required

There’s a popular idea that if you’re good at spotting typos, you can be a copyeditor. Spotting typos shows an eye for—and an interest in—details, and that’s a great start. But there’s so much more to catch. A colleague recently shared some typical editing math. Given 15,540 words in a book chapter (62 manuscript pages)

Freelance Editors, Stop Discounting Your Rates

Q. This is kind of a copyedit, but I don’t have to edit footnotes. What should I charge? A. Charge your copyediting rate. Q. This is a developmental edit, but it’s a second pass. What should I charge? A. Charge your developmental editing rate. Q. This is mostly a proofread … A. (say it with

How to Grow Your Editing Business with Referrals

One goal of my editorial services business is to gain more clients who are similar to my favorite clients. A while back, at Communication Central’s annual conference, I attended “Rev Up Your Business with Referral Power” presented by Jake Poinier, aka Dr. Freelance. Poinier outlined how I can find those desired clients. Why Referrals? I