Modifiers are words or phrases that help clarify the meaning of another word in the same sentence. Learn about how letting them dangle can affect your writing.
Articles Tagged writing tips
Ending the Tug of War Over Parallelism
Parallelism is something copyeditors and writers often disagree about. With a little research and a lesson in grammar, we can end this age-old debate.
Rewriting the Zombies: Don’t Use “Each” for “Either”
While you may have learned that the words “each” and “either” have different meanings, this is actually a zombie rule that does not need to be followed.
When Adverbs Fall Flat
We’re taught from a young age that adverbs end in –ly and modify verbs. This is correct, however, adverbs are more complicated than the rule implies.
Rewriting the Zombies: Don’t Use Double Negatives
Double negatives are widely considered illogical, as they often result in an unintended positive meaning. However, there are some cases where a double negative might benefit a writer’s work.
The Reason Why is Because…
Many editors believe that the phrase “reason why” is redundant. That’s true, but it’s also true that why means “for which,” resulting in “reason for which.” Let’s determine whether this phrase fits into your sentence.
Passersby or Passerbys: Clarifying the Confusion of Plural Compound Nouns
Should you use “attorneys general” or “attorney generals”? Here’s everything you need to know about how to pluralize compound nouns.
Rewriting the Zombies: Using “Likely” for “Probably”
In this series, learn why zombie rules don’t work and what rule you can follow instead. This week, we’ll tackle the “likely” and “probably.”
The Quick Guide to Improving Your Business Writing
Identifying the best way to improve your writing skills is a time-consuming feat, so we’ve created a step-by-step guide help you get you started!
How Right Touch Editing’s Process Can Benefit Your Writing Project
Need help with a writing project but worried about the lengthy editing process? Learn how Right Touch Editing makes things quick, easy, and accessible!