Considering shifting from freelance editing to becoming an employee? Here are the most important questions to ask yourself, and the most important ones to ignore.
Articles Categorized Work Life
Balancing work with home takes some effort. This collection of blog posts will help you manage your work life better, giving you more time for your home life.
Can You Afford To Take That Editing Job?
When you’re offered a new editing project or position, there is so much to consider in addition to pay rate, such as how this work will fit into your lifestyle.
How to Motivate Yourself When Your Motivation Is Missing
It can be hard to motivate yourself to just sit down and do some work. Fatigue happens to the best of us – but there are ways to fight it.
Say Good-bye to the No-Vacation Nation
How can you do your best work if you’re worn out? Everyone needs rest, but Americans just don’t seem to get enough of it.
Griping About Published Errors: No One Wins
When we find errors in published works, it’s tempting to take the writer and/or editor to task. Doing so helps no one, however.
Email Is Temporary; Create a Folder for It
It was bound to happen – I ran out of storage space in Gmail. Fortunately, there are ways to fix that problem, and prevent it from recurring.
It’s OK to Take a Mental Shore Leave
Your creativity and energy have taken a hike. Your patience has faded away, and all you want to do is nap. It’s time for a mental shore leave.
Learning to Manage Your Work Tasks
Learn to manage your tasks instead of letting them manage you.
When Your Work Tasks Manage You
No matter how carefully you plan your day, sometimes the universe just takes over.
Don’t Split the Document Publishing Process
It’s tempting to assign more than one person to a document at a time. Don’t do it! Maintain version control with a structured process.