Mastering marketing copy editing is essential for editors seeking to grow their clientele. Learn to navigate jargon and adapt style with our helpful resources!
Articles Tagged marketing
Sales Funnels for Editors: Be Where Clients Can Find You
Sales funnels are clever marketing tools that can help freelance editors identify and connect with potential clients—and ultimately grow their businesses.
Why Freelance Editors Need a Website
A freelance editor’s website is a necessary tool that helps highlight their services and reach new clients. My upcoming course will help you build your own!
Creatives and Digitals: Clarifying Common Industry Jargon
Some industries use jargon that can confuse wide audiences. For instance, many PR agencies use the words “creative” and “digital” as nouns.
Would You Like Proofreading With That?
McDonald’s knows the value of add-on items. Editors can use the same technique to grow their businesses with upselling and cross-selling to current clients.
In Marketing, Work Backwards to Get Ahead
A successful business relies on an effective marketing strategy. Here’s why marketing experts are telling professionals to think backwards.
Why Freelance Editors Should Attend Their Clients’ Conferences
For freelance editors, attending conferences offers valuable opportunities for marketing and networking with their desired clientele.
How to Write an Apology Letter to a Client
Mistakes happen, and when they do, it’s good to know how to apologize for them. This guide will help you do so.
The Business of Editing: Collecting Data and Marketing Yourself
The Copyeditor’s Marketing Vocab Primer
Every industry has special vocabulary—that is, jargon—it uses to refer to well-known but complex ideas in a short space or to sound like an insider. Jargon can become a problem, though, when it’s used to avoid addressing that complex idea or when it overwhelms the copy itself. The copyeditor’s job is to determine when the