Celebrate the new year with The Writing Resource’s top five posts of 2023!
Articles Tagged writers and editors
Forget Everything Strunk & White Told You
An investigation, sparked by a tweet, into what’s wrong with Strunk & White and some ideas for what you should read instead.
Centering Around Logic
Those who prioritize logic in their writing often avoid phrases like “center around.” However, this common idiom is not as bad as you think.
How Right Touch Editing’s Process Can Benefit Your Writing Project
Need help with a writing project but worried about the lengthy editing process? Learn how Right Touch Editing makes things quick, easy, and accessible!
Move Your Writing Forward with the BIC Writing Retreat
Writing stalled out? Get a jump on your next project with our free virtual retreat. Join us November 21–23, 9 a.m.–5 p.m. EDT.
Editors Deserve Awards, Too
It feels great to be recognized for your hard work. Say thank you to a favorite editor by nominating them for one of these editing awards.
The Copyeditor’s Typographic Oath
Copyediting notoriously lacks industry regulation. So, we’ve developed a helpful set of ten best practices that all copyeditors can follow.
How to Hear the Tone in Writing
Identifying the author’s tone while editing is crucial. Luckily there are two important editor-friendly elements to help with this.
Using Science to Define the Art of Writing Style
In addition to the editing they were hired for, copyeditors are tasked with maintaining and refining the author’s unique writing style.
When Your Creativity Has Tapped Out
Completing a large project can drain you of your creativity. Thankfully, there are many ways to relax and recharge your creative spark