Does the preposition “on” actually need to be used after the word “foreclose”? Can you pair other prepositions with foreclose? Find out in this grammar bite!
Genitives & Attributive Modifiers
Punctuation marks may be small, but they have a big impact! The apostrophe is no exception. Here’s how to determine when an apostrophe is needed in a phrase.
The Grammar of “Also”
The common word “also” can add either clarity or ambiguity to a sentence. To ensure we’re adding clarity, let’s take a look at the grammar rules of “also.”
Winners of “The Chicago Guide for Freelance Editors” Contest
Last week, we closed the book-cover contest to celebrate Erin’s new book, The Chicago Guide for Freelance Editors. We hope you enjoyed seeing everyone’s pictures; we know we did! All the prize winners have been given the good news, and now we’re ready to share them with the world. Winners were chosen at random, except
When to Stop Defining Abbreviations
Can a copyeditor choose when to stop spelling out an abbreviation? And how do you decide that it’s time?
Using Chatbots in Your Writing? Don’t Skip Human Editing!
AI chatbots offer businesses a quick and affordable solution to writing copy. But it is more effective to use it with—rather than instead of—a human editor.
“The Conscious Style Guide”: Transforming Language to Foster Equity and Understanding
Karen Yin’s anticipated book, “The Conscious Style Guide,” is a valuable tool for writers and editors looking to use more compassionate and inclusive language.
When to Use a Comma Before “But”
A reader once asked me about using a comma before the word “but.” Comma usage is a frequent cause for debate amongst editors, so let’s dive in!
Should You Leave Freelance Editing for an Employee Position?
Considering shifting from freelance editing to becoming an employee? Here are the most important questions to ask yourself, and the most important ones to ignore.
Celebrate the Chicago Guide for Freelance Editors and Win Prizes
Erin’s book, The Chicago Guide for Freelance Editors, is out today and we’re giving out prizes. Celebrate with us and win!