Have you been told that you can’t use “between” when talking about more than two items? That’s a zombie rule. Let’s rewrite it.
Search Results for zombies
Rewriting the Zombies: “Since”
Why it’s OK to use “since” to mean “because” and when you should avoid it.
Rewriting the Zombies: What’s a Zombie Rule?
We learn a lot of grammar and writing rules in school, but not all rules are equal. Some are members of the undead.
Split Infinitives: Breaking an Outdated Rule to Write Better
Avoiding split infinitives is an outdated practice that can create awkward sentences. Good writing prioritizes clarity—so don’t be afraid to split!
What’s It Worth? A Confusing Use of the Apostrophe
Writers and editors commonly misunderstand what we use the apostrophe for and what possession is. And this misunderstanding dates back to the 18th century!
The Copyeditor’s Typographic Oath
Copyediting notoriously lacks industry regulation. So, we’ve developed a helpful set of ten best practices that all copyeditors can follow.
“Social” vs. “Sociable”: Another Zombie Rule Bites the Dust
Before deciding whether to replace “social” with “sociable,” learn about this centuries-old zombie rule that stumps copyeditors to this day.
Do We Appreciate the Breadth of Appreciate?
A rule exists claiming that the word “appreciate” should not be used to mean “value.” Interestingly, multiple dictionaries beg to differ.
Getting Rid of Get?
Sometimes, copyediting rules can be subjective. The common yet controversial use of the word “get” is no exception.
Inspire Your Writing with These Books
What gaps do you have in your writing skills? What do you want to learn to do or learn to do better? These books can help.